Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Introduction . I Am Observing A Kindergarten Prep Class

Introduction: I am observing a Kindergarten Prep class with children ages four to five. Originally there are thirteen children in the class with only one teacher. However the teacher the sends some of the children to another class to not break the teacher-child ratio. The program is actively looking to hire another teacher to help the current teacher. The teacher I am observing has a bachelor degree and has been teaching for six years.The observation method I used was the Narrative. Using the narrative method required me to record nearly everything that happened while I was there. The narrative method offers a lot of details, due to including the recording of all behaviors that occur. This also allows me to use the anecdotal form and†¦show more content†¦The teacher was very calm, but also very firm when speaking to the child. After the child talk the child listened to the teacher and went to one of the other centers. This example demonstrate the teacher’s characteristics by showin g how the teacher handles and deals with different situations that occur on a day to day basis. The teacher was preparing the children to go outside when one of the children asked â€Å" can you help zip up my jacket†. The teacher knew that the child was able to zip up his own jacket so she told him â€Å"you know how to do it on your own but if you need help I will then help you†. The child was then able to zip his jacket after a few tries. He then realized that one of his shoes was untied and aging asked the teacher to help him. The teacher reminded him that he is also able to do this own his own and that he has tied his own shoes before. The teacher then watched over the child and encouraged him as he was doing it on his own. This example helps demonstrate the teacher’s characteristics by showing the teacher constantly helping and encouraging the children to accomplish new things. 4. Teacher’s Communication Skills: The teacher is very firm when speaking to the children, which lets the children know what is expected from them. The children, parents, and the teacher seem to have a mutual respect for each other. Whenever the parents drop of their child, the teacher is very welcoming and

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